Comment 19 for bug 1577137

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Hanky (hankschwie) wrote :

I checked the whole procedure on a fresh 16.04 install.

To start saned.socket first I needed to run

`sudo systemctl start saned.socket`

However, in /usr/share/doc/sane-utils/README.Debian I found the solution: To use socket.saned from startup, you have to run

`sudo systemctl enable saned.socket`

once. The terminal tells me:

`Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /lib/systemd/system/saned.socket.`

On the next reboot saned.socket starts right away. This explains why it was started on my working machine; I definitely tried that command in my attempts to start saned...

If you don't want that automatic start anymore, it has do be disabled again:

`sudo systemctl disable saned.socket`

So I would conclude: This is not a bug, but a feature ;-)