Comment 3 for bug 550201

Revision history for this message
DaveInPhx (coder-burgii) wrote :

Unfortunately, this report came about while working on a friend's machine for him. The reason he needed samba was to be able to print from W2K in a virtual box on the Ubuntu machine to a USB printer connected to the same Ubuntu machine.

As I mentioned above, I retried the operation a few hours later and it worked, so this may have been due to something being updated in the update servers, making the packages temporarily unavailable (although the update should have recognised that surely?).

The machine has now been returned to my friend, and has samba installed and working, so the output of the requested command
dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Version} ${Source} ${Status}\n' | grep samba
would reflect the current (upgraded) state, not the state it was in when the error occurred. ><

Sorry I can't be more help on this one !