Comment 3 for bug 250655

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Toby Collett (thjc) wrote :

This may muddy the waters a little, but I am also seeing similar issues with samba mounts, which seem to be related to firefox 3.0, or at least made worse by it...

We are using pam_mount to mount user home drives off a samba server. The server is running Gutsy (samba 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.5) and the client has recently been upgraded to Hardy (samba 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.4).

The behaviour seems to vary a little, I am working on extracting more detail, but have limited time to focus on this particular issue, currently I have moved the firefox profile onto a local partition instead.

The common case was a disconnection occured with the server for an undetermined reason, which triggered a reconnection to the server, as posted above this lead to many files being locked out as the previous connection had not been cleaned up correctly.

Once the system has these lock issues pretty much all of the applications running start to lock up (due to the server home drive mount).

I have also seen some kernel oops messages from the cifs driver, but cant track any of these down in the logs at the moment, so will post if they reoccur. These seem to be independant of the lock up issues (or perhaps caused by rather than triggering).

The home drive mount : cat /proc/mounts
//infosphere/tcollett /home/tcollett cifs rw,mand,relatime,unc=\\infosphere\tcollett,username=tcollett,uid=9101,gid=513,posixpaths,rsize=16384,wsize=57344 0 0

Also there seems to have been some possibly related issues running firefox 3 on Gutsy, but all the affected users had downgraded to firefox 2 by the time I upgraded to hardy, so I am unable to confirm this.

This issue is the remaining one to resolve before the office switches to Hardy, so hopefully it can be resolved, I will do my best to provide additional information as requested or as it becomes available