Comment 3 for bug 1846947

Revision history for this message
Kees van Vloten (kvv) wrote :

ad 1,2) Ubuntu provides both Netdata and Samba. Unfortunately the integration between the two is missing and therefor Netdata is currently unable to monitor Samba resources.

For Netdata to monitor Samba it runs 'smbstatus -P', however this option is only available when Samba is compiled with support for profiling and when the option 'smbd profiling level = on' is specified in smb.conf

ad 3) This issue can indeed be solved by Debian, indeed the most logical way to go forward is to create an upstream issue.

ad 4) From Samba 2.2.5 release notes (18th June 2002):
With samba compiled for profile data collection, you may see
a very slight degradation in performance even with profiling
collection turned off. On initial tests with NetBench on an
SGI Origin 200 server, this degradation was not measurable
with profile collection off compared to no profile collection
compiled into samba.

With count profile collection enabled on all clients, the
degradation was less than 2%. With full profile collection
enabled on all clients, the degradation was about 8.5%.