Comment 3 for bug 1794537

Revision history for this message
Francis (francisd) wrote :


I just tried installing cosmic in a VM and I confirm I can make the server to join the domain without crashing (according to the bug tracker it was fixed in Samba 4.8.2 and cosmic is at 4.8.4). But I don't get any users. Can't login with an AD user and "getent passwd <user>" returns nothing. Maybe a new bug or something new in Samba/Winbind 4.8 I'm not aware (my prod is still at 4.7.x).

I don't think this affect all AD joins. I think this is related to this message I get when joining:

The dns record <hostname>.ad.<domain>.<tld> is indeed not created after the successful join. Seem like this is a common issue but doesn't block the joining process (see I didn't found a way to resolve this yet. But I think this is off topic.

I don't have problems to make AD joins with sssd or with Windows clients. Windows clients have no problem with dns updates. My linux server joined with sssd have their dns record, but they don't change ip, so I can't say for sure the dns update is still working for them. All AD DC are Samba 4.7.10 (there is no Windows server at all).

Yesterday, I rebuilt the samba packages to apply the patch and then I installed my custom build. I confirm this solved the problem I had. After joining the domain, I reverted to the official build and my samba was still joined to the domain and still working fine.