Comment 3 for bug 1684146

Revision history for this message
Hubert Higelin (hh68300) wrote :


The samba package install problem do not occur anymore.
But since upgrade to 16.04 each access to a samba share need a authentication and scheduled tasks fails. (After upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 the same problem occurred for several month before been solved by a update.)
I removed the machine from the domain an tried to join again. The join fail.

Below copy of some commands and the terminal outputs :

hh@F2u:~$ sudo apt -f install
[sudo] Mot de passe de hh :
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 8 non mis à jour.

hh@F2u:~$ service smbd status
● smbd.service - LSB: start Samba SMB/CIFS daemon (smbd)
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/smbd; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since mar. 2017-05-30 10:16:14 CEST; 21min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 1511 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/smbd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/smbd.service
           ├─1530 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
           ├─1532 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
           └─1556 /usr/sbin/smbd -D

mai 30 10:16:14 F2u systemd[1]: Starting LSB: start Samba SMB/CIFS daemon (smbd)...
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u smbd[1511]: * Starting SMB/CIFS daemon smbd
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u smbd[1511]: ...done.
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u systemd[1]: Started LSB: start Samba SMB/CIFS daemon (smbd).
mai 30 10:17:52 F2u smbd[1530]: [2017/05/30 10:17:52.567623, 0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:124(daemon_ready)
mai 30 10:17:52 F2u smbd[1530]: STATUS=daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections

hh@F2u:~$ service nmbd status
● nmbd.service - LSB: start Samba NetBIOS nameserver (nmbd)
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/nmbd; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since mar. 2017-05-30 10:16:14 CEST; 24min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 1408 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/nmbd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/nmbd.service
           └─1508 /usr/sbin/nmbd -D

mai 30 10:16:12 F2u systemd[1]: Starting LSB: start Samba NetBIOS nameserver (nmbd)...
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u nmbd[1408]: * Starting NetBIOS name server nmbd
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u nmbd[1408]: ...done.
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u systemd[1]: Started LSB: start Samba NetBIOS nameserver (nmbd).
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u nmbd[1508]: [2017/05/30 10:16:14.232451, 0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:124(daemon_ready)
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u nmbd[1508]: STATUS=daemon 'nmbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections

hh@F2u:~$ service winbind status
● winbind.service - LSB: start Winbind daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/winbind; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since mar. 2017-05-30 10:16:14 CEST; 27min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 1404 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/winbind start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/winbind.service
           ├─1509 /usr/sbin/winbindd
           ├─1526 /usr/sbin/winbindd
           ├─1545 /usr/sbin/winbindd
           └─1546 /usr/sbin/winbindd

mai 30 10:16:12 F2u systemd[1]: Starting LSB: start Winbind daemon...
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u winbind[1404]: * Starting the Winbind daemon winbind
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u winbind[1404]: ...done.
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u systemd[1]: Started LSB: start Winbind daemon.
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u winbindd[1509]: [2017/05/30 10:16:14.238215, 0] ../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cache.c:3245(initialize_winbindd_cache)
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u winbindd[1509]: initialize_winbindd_cache: clearing cache and re-creating with version number 2
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u winbindd[1509]: [2017/05/30 10:16:14.309466, 0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:124(daemon_ready)
mai 30 10:16:14 F2u winbindd[1509]: STATUS=daemon 'winbindd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections

hh@F2u:~$ sudo net rpc join -D ENDUICOLOR -U hh
No realm has been specified! Do you really want to join an Active Directory server?
Enter hh's password:
smb_signing_good: BAD SIG: seq 1
Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info for domain 'ENDUICOLOR' over rpc: Access denied

hh@F2u:~$ testparm /etc/samba/smb.conf
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[print$]"
Processing section "[cdrom]"
Processing section "[ptgEAdm]"
Processing section "[ptgEndui]"
Processing section "[ptgGrpF]"
Processing section "[S1SqlServerBak]"
Loaded services file OK.
WARNING: You have some share names that are longer than 12 characters.
These may not be accessible to some older clients.
(Eg. Windows9x, WindowsMe, and smbclient prior to Samba 3.0.)

Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

# Global parameters
 workgroup = ENDUICOLOR
 server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
 interfaces = eth0
 bind interfaces only = Yes
 security = DOMAIN
 map to guest = Bad User
 obey pam restrictions = Yes
 pam password change = Yes
 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
 username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
 unix password sync = Yes
 client NTLMv2 auth = No
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 1000
 name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
 client use spnego = No
 printcap name = cups
 wins server =
 usershare allow guests = Yes
 panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
 idmap uid = 10000-20000
 idmap gid = 10000-20000
 template shell = /bin/bash
 winbind use default domain = Yes
 require strong key = No
 allow nt4 crypto = Yes
 idmap config * : range = 10000-20000
 idmap config * : backend = tdb

 comment = All Printers
 path = /var/spool/samba
 read only = No
 create mask = 0700
 guest ok = Yes
 printable = Yes
 use client driver = Yes
 browseable = No

 comment = Printer Drivers
 path = /var/lib/samba/printers
 guest ok = Yes

 comment = Samba server's CD-ROM
 path = /cdrom
 guest ok = Yes
 locking = No
 preexec = /bin/mount /cdrom
 exec = /bin/mount /cdrom
 postexec = /bin/umount /cdrom

 comment = partage Admins.Enduicolor
 path = /mnt/Data/ptgEAdm
 valid users = "@enduicolor\admins du domaine"
 read only = No

 comment = partage utilis.Enduicolor
 path = /mnt/Data/ptgEndui
 valid users = "@enduicolor\utilisa. du domaine"
 read only = No

 comment = partage utilis.Fab
 path = /mnt/Data/ptgGrpF
 valid users = @enduicolor\grpf
 read only = No

 comment = backup S1SqlServer
 path = /mnt/Data/S1SqlServerBak
 valid users = "@enduicolor\admins du domaine"
 read only = No

Note: At time, new machines with Xubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu server 16.04.02, up to date and configured as domain member, are also unable to join the NT4 domain.