Comment 26 for bug 150068

Revision history for this message
weierj (justinweier) wrote :

Having the same issue in Hardy just like everyone else. I've tried several diffrent things to get it to work with no luck. I'm trying this on a fresh install of Hardy, with no changes made to anything. I've then installed the problem. As soon as launch sabayon I start getting warnings about writing to the database in the terminal window. This continues as I make the first change (deleting the bottom panel), then the Xnest crashes, and the program spits back errors about writing to the database file. I've tried using a new profile each time, launching via sudo, gksudo, Administration --> User Profile Editor, all with the same result. My assumption is that the error is a permissions issue with the location containing the database file that warning and errors are complaining about NOT being able to write to. I've looked at the Sabyon PDF and on one occasion have had limited success following the last part of the CVS installation instructions after installing from .deb

/usr/sbin/useradd -c "Sabayon user" -d /var/sabayon -g nogroup -s /sbin/nologin sabayon

mkdir /var/sabayon

chown -R sabayon /var/sabayon
chgrp -R nogroup /var/sabayon

This at least allowed me to delete the lower panel, and move the top panel to the bottom, along with removing some of the panel objects and add the main menu prior to it crashing when I attempted to remove the help button.

This seems like a great idea for Ubuntu, and I really think it's an overdue feature. I'd just like it to work.