Comment 20 for bug 150068

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rootchick (cm-ccfls) wrote :

I've found that you can get around the crashing issue (in hardy) if you run sabayon with 'gksudo sabayon'. If you run it from Administration --> User Profile Editor it doesn't ask you for your administrator password, so I think it's running as a regular user. If it can't write to the /etc/desktop-profiles directory that might explain the crashing. If that's the case then that should probably be a separate bug report.

After doing it that way it seems to mostly work, though I've found that it doesn't save some settings you would expect it to, such as changes to the gnome panel. I think it's not saving any changes to the .gconf directory. Also, it doesn't save changes to the profile made with the Lockdown Editor, but it does save changes made under Preferences --> Sessions.