Comment 5 for bug 393888

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Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen (ralf-nieuwenhuijsen) wrote :

I've nominated this for server-papercuts. Although it's not that important, it's sort of annoying that ruby scripts can't deal with curses properly when using 1.9. It means no diakonos, but worse: no io terminal based ruby scripts.

Also, outside of this bug scope, (i'm sorry to put this here) but I would like the server guys to try to get the ruby platform together. Debian has completely ____ up their ruby support.

My suggestion is quite simple. Make ruby default to 1.9.2
And create a ruby-passenger-apache metapackage. One that actually works.
This would install passenger, ruby, gem and configure apache.

Just because we can do apt-get install rails, doesn't mean it's wise and EVERYBODY is advising against it.

For your information to current workaround EVERBODY uses for ruby now is:
 - install build-essentials, apache dev-headers
 - download ruby
 - compile and install ruby yourself (which by default includes gem now)
 - gem install passenger
 - passenger-install-apache module

What it should be like:
- apt-get install ruby1.9.2 gem1.9.2
- apt-get install apache-module-passenger
- gem install rails

Rails shouldn't be packaged. Sites we make or share don't work with rails.
They work with a specific version of rails. Gem can install any version side-by-side.

Oh now, we are at it, diakonos has a new upstream version as well that fixes a few annoying bugs.
Diakonos should be a great contenter for default text-editor on the ubuntu server platform.
(it has all the nice vim features, but defaults to keybindings of gedit/kedit .. )
Diakonos requires 1.9.2 .. btw .. i don't know why current package depends on ruby1.8 (it's a mistake)

Please, for the LTS release, make ruby support less of nightmare.
We would be even better off with not having any ruby related package in the repositories, if you can't fix the current ones, because that would save a lot of people a lot of time.