Comment 5 for bug 1686859

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

16:58 <nacc> rbasak: re: LP: #1686859, my reading is that should be ok to sponsor?

16:58 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 1686859 in ruby-riddle (Ubuntu) "ruby-riddle tests start mysql server with unknown option --force" [Undecided,New]

16:59 <nacc> rbasak: as delta for us? since our default is still mysql 5.7?

17:00 <rbasak> nacc: I believe so, though I think Lars might be working on an improvement. Would you want to wait for that? If so I can confirm with him in the bug.

17:03 <nacc> rbasak: that's fine, i'm just trying to push through the php7.0 removal and that's the last build-dep to get rid of :)

@Lars, did you intend this debdiff for upload, or is a work in progress report?

PS. mostly we prefer unified diff format, though I'm sure we can manage with this if needed :)