Comment 5 for bug 392745

Revision history for this message
schickm (theman) wrote :

heh, well removing the session directory worked for awhile but now I'm back to getting a backtrace right after rtorrent starts up. here's my backtrace:

0 rtorrent [0x4337fb]
1 rtorrent [0x43805a]
2 /lib/ [0x7f4234991040]
3 /usr/lib/ [0x7f42378d6740]
4 /usr/lib/ [0x7f42378d7536]
5 /usr/lib/ [0x7f42378e30d6]
6 /usr/lib/ [0x7f42378f5f34]
7 /usr/lib/ [0x7f42378f624b]
8 rtorrent [0x479485]
9 rtorrent [0x4730a3]
10 rtorrent [0x4340af]
11 /lib/ [0x7f423497c5a6]
12 rtorrent(_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev+0x71) [0x40df79]