Comment 0 for bug 955124

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Andy Stevens (stevensa) wrote :

I have a fresh installation of the 12.04 beta running from USB drive (created with usb-creator and the ISO) on an Acer Aspire One netbook, connecting to my home network via wifi.
I have a dozen or so albums on a network drive that I previously ripped from CD to FLACs. I can connect to the smb share okay in nautilus and browse them, and I have set rhythmbox to use this location (smb://...) for the music library. I have the "scan for new files" preference enabled.
When I start up rhythmbox it begins scanning the files on the remote drive and adding them to the library. All is well for a short while, then all of a sudden it starts showing an Import Error for every file, and I eventually end up with only a fraction of the music files showing in the library.

It appears that for some reason the SMB connection is dropped; when I switched back to Nautilus, the tab that was showing one of the album folders has been closed and the network connection for that share no longer shows in the sidebar. I didn't see the wifi connection drop & reconnect, and the connection to another share on the same NAS drive was still showing in Nautilus, so it looks like it was only this particular share that got unmounted rather than something more general.
Unfortunately, after reconnecting to the share in nautilus, there's no obvious way to retry importing the missing files (e.g. a Retry option when right-clicking on one of the errors or Missing Files?) so I quit and restart rhythmbox. At which point, exactly the same happens again... If I don't run rhythmbox, it stays connected to the share and I can browse as long as I like in nautilus without any problem. But every time I start rhythmbox the connection dies shortly afterward, during the library scan.
I'm not sure whether the actual problem is with rhythmbox itself, or just that the level of load produced by the library scan triggers some problem in the SMB client code.

I had a similar but less severe problem when I originally ripped the CDs using 12.04 Milestone 1; it usually took a few goes to get right through each CD, as at some point it would stop with an error having lost the connection to the share and left a zero-byte file in the folder. After reconnecting and viewing the folder using Nautilus (to see how far it had got) I set it going again on the remaining tracks (overwriting the truncated file) and eventually completed the album. I hadn't observed the "library scan" problem with the earlier milestone, then again I hadn't tried starting over with an empty library in the earlier release either.