Comment 6 for bug 672089

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Brandon Morris (stakfallt) wrote :

That's weird, I really thought I had symbols installed, let me try running through the process again. Ok prior to running it, I went to the page instead of skipping like I did the last time and just going straight to ... I ran the command that checks for symbol packages installed and it does list:

i rhythmbox-dbg - debugging symbols for rhythmbox

amoung a bunch of other dbg packages. After knowing this I skipped the rest of the DebuggingProgramCrash page as it basically just talked about installing dbg packages (Which I already apparently have installed) and used Yelp as an example. All this is extra information I know, just I wanted to establish a baseline as I perform the backtrace again.

So now at this point I'm going back to the backtrace page and rerunning through the process after having confirmed the dbg package installed.

Please note, the program runs, so there is no hanging or crashing occuring, so the only way I'm able to get a stack trace is by hitting ctrl+c once the RB is up; which makes me think any backtrace I get is going to be useless since the error occurs as it's loading and does not in any way prevent the program from actually coming up. So I'm not sure what to do about that, but here is the (Attached) backtrace nonetheless. Let me know if there's anything else I can provide or try.