Comment 5 for bug 562714

Revision history for this message
Austin Texas (linuxmint18) wrote :

I figured out how to get the rhythmbox -d command to work.
Here are the results:
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [paned_size_allocate_cb] rb-podcast-source.c:981: paned size allocate
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [paned_size_allocate_cb] rb-shell.c:2875: paned position 160
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [paned_size_allocate_cb] rb-shell.c:2876: right_paned position 400
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [rb_shell_clipboard_sync] rb-shell-clipboard.c:600: syncing clipboard
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [rb_statusbar_source_status_changed_cb] rb-statusbar.c:544: source status changed
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2664: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_QUERY_COMPLETE
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [rhythmdb_read_leave] rhythmdb.c:1267: counter: 0
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [rhythmdb_process_one_event] rhythmdb.c:2657: processing RHYTHMDB_EVENT_THREAD_EXITED
(17:36:28) [0x237c040] [rb_statusbar_sync_status] rb-statusbar.c:444: updating status with: '4 episodes, 57 minutes, 54.6 MB', '', 999.000000
(17:36:29) [0x237c040] [rb_podcast_source_cmd_new_podcast] rb-podcast-source.c:2020: Got new podcast command
(17:36:29) [0x237c040] [window_focus_cb] rb-mmkeys-plugin.c:142: window got focus, re-grabbing media keys
(17:36:29) [0x237c040] [window_focus_cb] rb-mmkeys-plugin.c:142: window got focus, re-grabbing media keys
(17:36:34) [0x332ee90] [rb_podcast_manager_thread_parse_feed] rb-podcast-manager.c:1082: attempting to parse feed
(17:36:34) [0x332ee90] [rb_uri_could_be_podcast] rb-file-helpers.c:636: '' should be Podcast file
(17:36:34) [0x332ee90] [rb_podcast_parse_load_feed] rb-podcast-parse.c:168: not checking mime type for (should be Podcast file)
(17:36:34) [0x237c040] [window_focus_cb] rb-mmkeys-plugin.c:142: window got focus, re-grabbing media keys

** (rhythmbox:2001): WARNING **: Failed to convert XML data to UTF-8
(17:36:39) [0x332ee90] [rb_podcast_parse_load_feed] rb-podcast-parse.c:219: Parsing as a Podcast failed
(17:36:42) [0x237c040] [rb_audioscrobbler_should_handshake] rb-audioscrobbler.c:740: No username set
(17:36:50) [0x237c040] [window_focus_cb] rb-mmkeys-plugin.c:142: window got focus, re-grabbing media keys

The mystery to my is why the feed works in Rhythmbox 0.12.0 and doesn't work in 0.12.8.