Comment 0 for bug 318625

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John Ward (automail) wrote :

Whenever a song name has a special character like a "question mark" (?) in it (for example, "Where is my Mind?" or "Are You In?"), Rhythmbox rips the song to the drive and names the file with the special character, for example:

"Where is my Mind?.mp3" or "Are You In?.mp3"

On NTFS volumes (and probably FAT32 and lower) these characters (such as "?"; question mark) are illegal and make the file inaccessible and useless within Windows because it doesn't recognise or read files with illegal characters. It becomes impossible the deletion, renaming or reading of the file within Windows systems.

[1] - Rip a song from a CD using Rhythmbox that has a special character in its name like a "?" question mark (Where is my Mind?) and make sure it rips to an NTFS volume.
[2] - Exit Linux, go into a Windows system and try and play, delete or rename the file that has the special character in it. You'll find that you get an error message about the usage of illegal characters anytime you try and delete or rename the file and the file will not be playable by programmes within Windows that are designed to read it, such as Windows Media Player, Winamp or VLC etc.
[3] - Conclusion: When illegal characters are set on files by Rhythmbox (or Linux in general) on NTFS volumes, those files become completely inaccessible within Windows. You have to to return to Linux to delete, rename or read / play the files.

Maybe this is an issue for the NTFS-3g driver, it should prevent the incorrect naming of files that go onto NTFS volumes.

There should probably be an option within Rhythmbox to strip special characters from the filename (not necessarily the tag, as there they are compatible) or replace them with something compatible.

This above proposal is similar to bug # 264283.