Comment 15 for bug 64630

Revision history for this message
maccus (maccus) wrote :

I just noticed that the XDG menu has an Exec line rezound --audio-method=jack. However, if jack is not started, you get the same behaviour, rezound crashes on trying to record. How on earth are users supposed to know that jackd is needed for Rezound? Better really fix this issue.

As for me, i'm using a script /usr/local/bin/fix-rezound, may be of interest to others, as long as this bug is not fixed by Ubuntu:

Open a terminal:

ALT+F2 gnome-terminal

Start a text editor:

sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/fix-rezound

Write the script:

jackd -d alsa &
sleep 1
rezound --audio-method=jack
killall jackd
exit 0

Make it executable:

sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/fix-rezound

Then copy /usr/share/applications/audacity.desktop to ~/.local/applications/audacity.desktop, open it with a text editor and change "Exec=rezound --audio-method=jack" to "Exec=fix-rezound"