Comment 28 for bug 944040

Revision history for this message
Jamie Lokier (jamie-shareable) wrote :

I had the same experience *without* any upgrade to Ubuntu.

The Remmina client simply stopped working one day.

Today I spent several hours on a Windows 7 box trying to work out why "Unable to connect to RDP server". Was it the Windows firewall? Was it McAfee being expired? What does the Windows event log tell us? (It tells us there's a connection, a session is started, and then it's disconnected. Nothing useful.) Was there an authentication problem? How about connecting with no user/password? Was it some obscure need-to-login-at-the-console-first session problem (as happens with SSH sometimes).

No, in the end the forums gave the answer: It's Remmina, not Windows. Delete ~/.freerdp/known_hosts and it'll work.

I just removed one line from that file, and all my problems were solved. Meanwhile the changes to Windows to try and find the problem were a waste of time and maybe not such a good idea :-)

I don't know what went wrong with the signature in ~/.freerdp/known_hosts - as I didn't upgrade the Ubuntu client, and I didn't do anything on the Windows box either (it's been running for years).

The only thing I'm aware of is Windows 7 rebooted itself after an automatic update somewhere between Remmina working and not working. But even reboots don't normally cause this problem.

I think this might have happened for me once before. Like #27, the workaround is hard to remember because the error message doesn't say anything useful.

This is on Ubuntu 13.04, remmina-1.0.0-4ubuntu2, libfreerdp-1.0.1-2ubuntu1.
