Comment 7 for bug 128458

Revision history for this message
Ming Hua (minghua) wrote :

Basically the Ubuntu fix relies on that /bin/sh is dash, because without "-e", bash can't handle "\n", the escaped character:

(in bash)
$ echo 'from rebuildd.RebuilddConfig import RebuilddConfig\nprint RebuilddConfig(True).dump()'
from rebuildd.RebuilddConfig import RebuilddConfig\nprint RebuilddConfig(True).dump()

So if the package is built on a system with /bin/sh linked to bash, the package will have a broken debian/rebuildrc file.

I don't know about POSIX, but I doubt "treat \n as newline" is POSIX sh behavior as you claimed.

While the breakage won't happen for our buildds, and I agree that this fix works for Ubuntu, it's not exactly better than the problem it tries to fix -- it just changes bash-only behavior to dash-only behavior. This particular FTBFS bug can probably be tagged "fix released" (I just reopened because it's convenient), but I still believe this is a wrong fix and should be re-fixed in future releases (most likely by a sync with Debian).

I see that you've commented on Debian maintainer's blog, let's see what he and other people say.