Comment 21 for bug 81854

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Mr. Mike (mike-himikeb) wrote :

Let me clarify my problem, because I think we may now be discussing 3 different issues that cause problems.

First, "rdesktop", as this bug relates to, does not seem to have a UI with a drop-down. I think you might be confusing "tsclient", which is a nice wrapper and spawns an rdesktop session. From a terminal, run: "tsclient" and connect, and from a 2nd terminal, run: "ps fax | less" and you will see. newbies: don't type the quotes :)

Second, the sound issue: I am using -rsound:off so if we ARE talking about that, then *I* am posting to the wrong place.

Finally, the issue I was seeing when I posted, which for me, I can recreate my "hang" with the following almost every time:
1) Connect to work with Cisco VPN Client 4.8.something.
2) Launch the following from an icon on my desktop:
   rdesktop -T'my-work-computer - Terminal Server Client' -umrmike -dcsg -g1260x940 -a15 -rsound:off -rclipboard:PRIMARYCLIPBOARD -b -5
   {On VPN, we have our own top-level domain server I guess, to explain the not-ending-in .com name}
3) Using rdesktop, Open Notepad, and enter several lines of text, like alksdflskdjf over and over
4) Position the cursor somewhere in the middle of the lines, and hold down the shit-key to select a range of text.
5) press-AND-HOLD (important!!) cursor-up or cursor-down until it repeats
6) after 1 or 2 lines get selected, key-entry is denied. The cursor in notepad IS STILL BLINKING, but my keyboard is non-responsive within the rdesktop window, but after about 15-30 seconds (usually) my buffered key-pressed get applied, and functionality returns to normal.
I could not recreate this when connecting, using a similar rdesktop line, to a windows OS running within VirtualBox/host networking on the same machine, so maybe it has something to do with the speed of the network over which rdesktop is connected.