Comment 4 for bug 34840

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Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen (ralf-nieuwenhuijsen) wrote :

It sounds like philosophical issues. In which case we either need:
  - ubuntu packages for alle the different rails & ruby add-ons, without gems
  - onofficial packages for gems (perhaps in universe, for all I care)

Although, since it isn't a liscense issue, I do feel debian/ubuntu shouldn't push their architecture that much. Freedom as in free beer, freedom as in free free speech, FREEDOM AS IN CHOICE.

Its their choice not to _support_ it. But can/should they really _ban_ it? Single it out and say 'you can't come to our party' Can't we just put it in universe? Or do they have to 'like' all the software there as well? Should it even be about this? I'm confused.