Comment 3 for bug 34840

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Rick DeNatale (rick-denatale) wrote :

I've been using rails on breezy for some days now using the packaged rails and ruby. I'm building a membership database front-end for our local linux users group using rails.

I'm working through the Agile Web Development book and everything seems to work....

...except, I just looked into using the SaltedHash login generator, and discovered the lack of support for gems. Drat!

Lucas says that "Rubygems has many issues which were raised on ruby mailing lists but never addressed by the rubygems developers", I'm not sure which mailing lists he's talking about, but I'd love to see those issues. What I did find was a lot of debian (and by inheritance) ubuntu bashing because from the perspective of the ruby users, the debian packagers have given up on warping the gem file structure into the debian file structure. The ruby users seem to think that gems "just works" and that this is all debian's fault.

I'm not sure who is right and who is wrong here, or probably more realistically to what extent each side is wrong, but I'd really like to get rails working WITH gems on Ubuntu. It's looking like I'm going to have to install rubygems from source (or perhaps from the unofficial debian package referenced in the debian-extras manifesto

I'm not sure whether or not this will work with the packaged installations of rails and/or ruby or whether I need to uninstall either or both and reinstall from source/gem.

I wish I didn't have to though.