Comment 2 for bug 1244036

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Scott Kitterman (kitterman) wrote :

Looks pretty good, but I got a few comments from a developer that knows way more about upstart than me:

<stgraber> ScottK: looks to me like he wants "start on filesystem and static-network-up" instead, but the start on condition he's using isn' wrong either. Just because I'm picky, the respawn stanza is usually put before the script section so it's easier to spot.
<stgraber> besides that, it should all work fine assuming quasselcore doesn't fork/daemonize
<stgraber> oh and hardcoding /usr/bin is usually not considered a good thing
<ScottK> So just excec quasselcore?
<ScottK> exec even
<ScottK> stgraber: ^^^
<stgraber> yep
<ScottK> Thanks.