Comment 0 for bug 1215913

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Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) wrote :

If I start a new project and choose QML Extension Library + Tabbed Touch UI, it needs manual configuration to build and run the app. Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a new project in qtcreator, select Ubuntu/QML Extension Library + Tabbed Touch UI
2. name it testcompiled1
3. 'Configure Project' dialog pops up. Click 'Configure Project' in lower right

At this point, I should be able to click the Green triangle in the lower left of qtcreator and run the test application. However, I cannot because more configuration is needed. Specifically, a shadow directory is used for the build but the 'app' directory is not copied over into it, and the 'qmldir' is not either. Also, because we are importing a module, we must pass -I to qmlscene in the run step. Specific steps:

4. click Projects in the left hand column. This brings up the Build Settings dialog.
5. In the Build Settings dialog, add a Build Step:
 a) click Add Build Step and choose 'Custom Process Step
 b) set this build step up with the following:
   Command: cp
   Arguments: -a %{sourceDir}/app %{buildDir}
   Working directory: %{buildDir}
6. In the Build Settings dialog, add another Build Step:
 a) click Add Build Step and choose 'Custom Process Step
 b) set this build step up with the following:
   Command: cp
   Arguments: -f %{sourceDir}/backend/modules/testcompile1/qmldir %{buildDir}/backend/modules/testcompile1
   Working directory: %{buildDir}
7. At the top of the qtcreator window, click 'Run' under 'Desktop'. This shows the 'Run Settings'
8. Under 'Run', use the following:
   Command: qmlscene
   Arguments: -I %{buildDir}/backend/modules %{buildDir}/app/testcompiled1.qml
   Working directory: %{buildDir}

At this point, you should be able to build and run the program with the three big buttons at the lower left (Run, Debug run, Build) (though debug run doesn't actually work-- filing another bug)