Comment 0 for bug 1362028

Revision history for this message
XiaoGuo, Liu (liu-xiao-guo) wrote : SDK output window produces the wrong error messages

I miss the "audio" policy in the apparmor file. However, the output window produces the indirect error message instead of printing "missing audio policy" kind of error. Attached please find the error message:

        MediaPlayer {
            id: player
            source: "sounds/blast.wav"


irtual void AalMediaPlayerControl::play()

virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus AalMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus() const

Cannot start playback without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session

Cannot get current playback position without a valid media-hub player session