Comment 12 for bug 1810346

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FalCT60 (jean-luc-ceccoli) wrote : Re: VLC interface not displayed correctly

This is the behaviour I have been describing from the beginning : the video is useable, but most of the controls are not.
This happens on *every* laptop used with an external TV as main screen since 18.04 - it was fine until 16.04.
I would event bet it alson happens on every computer using a second monitor as main display unit.
In order to be able to use vlc correctly, I have to launch it from terminal with the command QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 vlc, which I could find in many of the thousands posts about this on the net since 2010 or so.
Which tends to prove that the bug has never been reported, otherwise no doubt the devs would have fixed it already.
And would not have thought that I was the only one to encounter it.
To the devs : I am ready to help you trying to trace this, but keep in mind that, just like you, I have a real life beside, which makes I may not react as quickly as one would expect.
This is also why I did not give any reminder though there was no reaction after a long time : I know you have many things to do, that may be more important (or valualble), and 24 hours per day are not enough for many of us.
This bug kind of puzzles me, and I sometimes wonder if I did not install something the wrong way : many things changed since 16.04, so being able to tell what is good or not is not that easy for a poor end user.
If I find some time, I plan to load the latest 16.04 LTS iso and reinstall it from scratch, but without preserving my /home. This means I will have to do some savings before, and be very carefull, and it will take me far more time then just upgrading my distro.
However, I may take some time to do some testings, a