Comment 9 for bug 1776173

Revision history for this message
Sergio Callegari (callegar) wrote :

1) I confirm that the gray-scale printing option is completely ignored and that the printer prints always in color (this is definitively a bug).

2) I confirm that an option to select the printer tray is missing (though I think this may be a limitation in the qt version shipped with bionic).

3) I would like to add that okular "scales down" when printing A4 pdf documents, which badly breaks some flows. For instance, pages of the same document printed on the same printer with okular and any other linux PDF viewer do not align and cannot be mixed; flows needing accurate placement of cropmarks are broken (this is also a bug).

Probably these should be new bugs, though.

Still I wonder if moving to the current qt 5.9.7 from the bionic 5.9.5 could improve the situation. In the end qt 5.9 is a long term release with only bugfixes applied and it should be relatively safe to track it rather than introducing downstream patches.