Comment 97 for bug 905147

Revision history for this message
In , Francesco+kde (francesco+kde) wrote :

>Hi list,
> there is a rather heated discussion in a 3 years old kde bug [1]
>regarding printing, more specifically the print dialog and how it should
>keep/save settings between different call of it.
>Could you (as somebody involved in qt5 planning or development) clarify
>what the plan are for printing functionality, managment or whatever?
>Expecially a statment like "printing will no be managed by qt" could be
>helpful, pushing somebody to take responsibility for it and solve the
>best regards,
>Francesco Riosa
>[1] Bug 180051 <> - [KDE4]
>Need a way to have default printer settings

Currently we continue to have the Qt 4 printing subsystem in Qt5 (as
libQtPrintSupport), but the longer term plan is to replace this with a new
module, as some of the basic architecture of the old printing module is
not fixable.

For 5.0 however we continue with what we have.
