Comment 94 for bug 905147

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In , luxifer (dhertel) wrote :

I think the more probable reason is that no relevant KDE dev knows about or feels responsible for this bug. Because Printing is handled by Qt. And the responsibility for Qt lies at Nokia. Problem solved. Also this bug is not a "relatively" small thing... don't let the patch misguide you to that conclusion. the patch is a hackish fix which works for 99% of the people but doesn't fix the underlying problem properly...

Sure this bug will drive lots of people away as soon as Gnome3 has become mature and customizable enough and provides good working extensions to get back to a desktop metaphor...

How you percieve KDE to put more effort into eye candy than into functionality is beyond me however. After all the looks didn't change much since KDE 4.0 - they just stabilized the effects over time. However in the same time they fixed and improved a lot of the inner workings of KDE and the applications it comes with. While all doing this they still managed to come up with sane defaults end excelent integration...