Comment 88 for bug 905147

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In , Adam Porter (alphapapa) wrote :

What all this confirms for me is that KDE is basically a developer
playground. I feel like none of the devs in the KDE project care
whether KDE is actually a good DE, whether it's suitable for general,
widespread use, or whether anyone but themselves use it. (This may
not be the case, but I feel like it generally is.)

KDE needs some by-example leadership. Some devs need to step up and
fix the important bugs that are not fun to fix. Doing so would make
KDE viable as an alternative to Windows and OSX for average users and
enterprises. Unless this happens, KDE will languish in obscurity.

And maybe that's ok with the devs. Maybe they're fine with a
take-it-or-leave-it approach. Hey, they're just volunteers who
scratch their own itches, and that's their prerogative. But it's a
shame, because KDE could be so much better. It has the potential to
be a Free Desktop that actually competes with Microsoft and Apple.
And it's not about "sticking it to the man" or anything like
that--it's simply about doing it better, in an open and Free way, for
the good of others.

At least, that's how I think it ought to be.