Comment 92 for bug 650539

Revision history for this message
Ian (9-launchpad-freakzilla-com) wrote : Re: Launching QT apps under Xinerama crashes Xorg : affects SpeedCrunch, KeePassX, Lucky Backup, Pencil, Stellarium, Skype, Google Earth, VLC, Konqueror, VirtualBox, Opera ...

Haha! I could've used your debs instead of working on this till 4:15am...

However, I did get it working. I had some weird /usr/lib/ from GOD only knows where. Had to nuke those. Up and running now, three screens, xinerama, and I can use Window Maker again and don't have to suffer through Gnome! Yay!!!

(making sure to save the .deb/instructions for when there's an update that still doesn't fix this (; )