Comment 3 for bug 2025591

Revision history for this message
Mauricio Faria de Oliveira (mfo) wrote :

Detailed test steps with output:

 lxc launch --vm ubuntu:jammy jammy-vm
 lxc shell jammy-vm

 apt install --yes --no-install-recommends qemu-system-x86 qemu-utils

 wget -O jammy.img
 qemu-img convert jammy.img jammy.raw

 LOOPDEV=$(losetup --find --show --sector-size 4096 jammy.raw)
 qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=$LOOPDEV,format=raw,cache=none -boot order=c -nodefaults -no-user-config -nographic -serial stdio -enable-kvm

Default ("GA") kernel:

 # uname -r

 # qemu-system-x86_64 ...
 SeaBIOS (version 1.15.0-1)
 Booting from Hard Disk...
 GRUB_FORCE_PARTUUID set, initrdless boot failed. Attempting with initrd.
 Linux version <...>

 Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS ubuntu ttyS0

 ubuntu login:

HWE kernel (lunar):

 # add-apt-repository -y -p proposed
 # apt install --yes --no-install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-22.04-edge
 # reboot

 # uname -r

 # qemu-system-x86_64 ...
 SeaBIOS (version 1.15.0-1)
 Booting from Hard Disk...
 Boot failed: could not read the boot disk

 Booting from Floppy...
 Boot failed: could not read the boot disk

 No bootable device.

With the patch:

 # qemu-system-x86_64 ...
 SeaBIOS (version 1.15.0-1)
 Booting from Hard Disk...
 GRUB_FORCE_PARTUUID set, initrdless boot failed. Attempting with initrd.
 Linux version <...>