Comment 9 for bug 1992653

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

So far we have these (and I added a few more on my side to complete the picture):
Qemu-wise all my Jammy tests were on 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.4 and Kinetic on 1:7.0+dfsg-7ubuntu2

NR - HW -> BareMetalRelease -> VM Type and release -> result

(1) - ?? - Jammy -> Kinetic ?? VM -> fails
(2) - ?? - Jammy -> fails
(3) - ?? - Kinetic Fails
(4) - ?? - Kinetic -> works
(5) - ?? - Jammy -> Kinetic LXD VM -> works
(6) - Intel - Jammy -> Kinetic LXD container -> works
(7) - Intel - Jammy -> Jammy LXD container -> works
(8) - Intel - Jammy -> fails
(9) - Intel - Jammy -> Kinetic libvirt VM (cpu=passthrough) -> works
(10) - Intel - Jammy -> Kinetic libvirt VM (cpu=qemu64) -> works

For me it is already puzzling to see the difference between (7) and (8).

I mean I could say that the older Jammy qemu wasn't that far to work - after all we know many risc fixes landed in 7.0. But then why does the very same qemu work in a Jammy container, but not in a Jammy bare-metal machine (the same machine BTW).

Sadly (8) is my actual home system, so the one I'd least likely want to flood with stuff for debugging. But all others work and I can't debug there.

Maybe we can find more what makes the difference...
Would you others minds helping to fill out the ?? for your entries?
From there we will have to try more until we find the difference that matters to trigger this.
(When you do, just copy and paste the data we have so far, modify it accordingly and post it again).