Comment 1 for bug 1942884

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

Hi Heinrich,
while the report seems fine to me that isn't a bug but a feature request and this one in particular isn't one that Ubuntu would usually develop/carry on its own - instead we'd usually contact upstream and integrate the solution once available.

I've checked qemu git and the issue tracker but there was no recent issue / commit that would have covered this (the closest were some changes to the init code for BSD, but not what we want) to chime in or backport.

Therefore I think the best way forward would be to report this to upstream [1] and depending when it is added there we can consider just picking it up via a merge or if we want to also backport it to some releases.

Once you reported it there let us link the issue here so that it is more easy to track.

P.S. If I misunderstood you and you have or know about a patch that achieves this then let us know and we can help driving it to upstream discussions and then the same aforementioned path from there.
