Comment 27 for bug 1838575

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

The iommu is locked in there early and the iommu element is what is passed from userspace.
That represents the vfio container for this device (container->fd)
  if (ioctl(container->fd, VFIO_IOMMU_MAP_DMA, &map) == 0
static long vfio_iommu_type1_ioctl(void *iommu_data,
        unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
    struct vfio_iommu *iommu = iommu_data;
    [... into vfio_dma_do_map ...]
There isn't much divide and conquer splitting that seems easily possible for now :-/

Down there while this lock is held all the memory size must be pinned
-> vfio_pin_pages_remote
Which gets the biggest chunk it can to then map it
-> vfio_iommu_map
This is repeated until all of the requested size is handled.

Establishing iommu maps is known to be expensive, an assumption would be that in the semi-fast cases is either:
- memory is still non-fragmented so we only need a few calls
- the iommu is sort of async-busy from the former work (same calls, but longer)
That should be visible in the amount of vfio_pin_pages_remote if we don't miss some.