Comment 4 for bug 1829868

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

TODO add one wily migration to the regression test suite (could work via cross + setmt?)

Collecting steps for the later following SRU teamplate.

- Xenial / Bionic system
  $ lxc launch ubuntu-daily:x x-wily --profile default --profile kvm
  $ lxc launch ubuntu-daily:b b-wily --profile default --profile kvm
- set hostid to be different (as we have containers)
  $ vim /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
  $ systemctl restart libvirtd
- exchange ssh keys
  $ ssh-keygen
  $ cat ~/.ssh/ > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  $ lxc file pull --recursive x-wily/root/.ssh .
  $ lxc file push --recursive .ssh b-wily/root/
  $ lxc exec b-wily -- chown -R root:root /root/.ssh
- use uvtool to create the same guest on both systems (FS layout of images)
  $ time uvt-simplestreams-libvirt --verbose sync --source \
    arch=amd64 label=daily release=eoan
  $ uvt-kvm create --password ubuntu wilymigrate arch=amd64 release=eoan label=daily
- edit to set wily machine type (on source = Xenial)
  $ virsh edit wilymigrate
- on target remove the former definition
  $ virsh undefine wilymigrate
- Migrate
  $ virsh migrate --unsafe --live wilymigrate qemu+ssh://
  error: internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: 2019-05-22T13:04:19.108689Z qemu-
  system-x86_64: warning: Unknown firmware file in legacy mode: etc/msr_feature_control
  2019-05-22T13:04:19.151216Z qemu-system-x86_64: Configuration section missing
  2019-05-22T13:04:19.151336Z qemu-system-x86_64: load of migration failed: Invalid argument

(Useful to do extra checks e.g. if the guest is alive)

Ok, the above reproduced the bug with qemu 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.13, lets try the PPA.
Trying 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.14~ppa2 ...

- Migrate
  root@x-wily:~# virsh migrate --unsafe --live wilymigrate qemu+ssh://
  And back:
  root@b-wily:~# virsh migrate --unsafe --live wilymigrate qemu+ssh://
  Check if it is alive and still up (trivial)
  root@x-wily:~# uvt-kvm ssh --insecure wilymigrate "uptime"
   13:07:44 up 9 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.04

Ok, the PPA would work in the direct test case for this reported issue.

@Vladyslav - would you mind testing the PPA for you as well?

Once you report it good as well I'd shove it into some bigger regression tests that I have.
TODO: add an explicit wily migration to latest LTS and to latest -dev release to the tests.

Once all of these seem good we can fix it in Eoan (current development release) and then open up SRUs for Bionic/Cosmic/Disco