Comment 4 for bug 1358268

Revision history for this message
jaejunh (jaejunh) wrote :

Hi, Serge,

1. You can do "full" test by downloading ppc64le 14.10 iso, but quick test is also possible by following:

In your host pc(amd64?) 14.10, where you've installed above qemu-user-static (qemu-ppc64le),

  apt-get download coreutils:ppc64el bash-static:ppc64el
  # or just wget those two from launchpad 14.10
  dpkg-deb -x coreutils*.deb /tmp/ppc64el
  dpkg-deb -x bash-static*.deb /tmp/ppc64el
  ln -s /tmp/ppc64el/bin/bash-static /tmp/ppc64el/bin/bash
  cp /usr/bin/qemu-ppc64le-static /tmp/ppc64el/usr/bin

2. Now really tiny/broken chroot env is setup by 1. Now chroot,
 sudo su chroot /tmp/ppc64el

  If you see, "bash-4.3#" prompt, now you know it's successfully executed "ppc64el binary"
  using binfmt_misc.

Note: FYI, you can try: "ls" in chroot environment, yet it would not work since it cannot find
/lib64/ However, static binary "echo" would work without problem!

If you get into any problem, please let me know.

Thank you!

PS. I still want "powerpcel" patch part committed too, although no community (known) is working on this
except me since I rely on this patch to work on my current porting of "powerpcel". Since nobody is
using "powerpcel" at this point, it's safe to do so I believe. Thanks!