Comment 2 for bug 882197

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

Just to test whether it was reading or writing that was the error, I tried this:
 $ qemu-img info /tmp/convtest.vpc
image: /tmp/convtest.vpc
file format: vpc
virtual size: 2.0G (2147991552 bytes)
disk size: 645M

The size there is incorrect, and identical to what the size of the target is after converting back to raw.

Then, testing vboxmanage:
 $ vboxmanage convertfromraw /tmp/convtest.raw /tmp/convtest.vpc.vboxmanage
 $ qemu-img info /tmp/convtest.vpc.vboxmanage | grep "irtual size:"
  virtual size: 2.0G (2147483648 bytes)
  $ qemu-img convert -O raw /tmp/convtest.vpc.vboxmanage /tmp/convtest.raw.from-vbox-vpc
  $ ls -l /tmp/convtest.raw.from-vbox-vpc
  -rw-r--r-- 1 smoser smoser 2147483648 2011-10-26 14:58 /tmp/convtest.raw.from-vbox-vpc
  $ md5sum /tmp/convtest.raw.from-vbox-vpc
  c1f6e09e96361c4f56aea0b9ea845a36 /tmp/convtest.raw.from-vbox-vpc

So, it seems there is a bug writing the vpc format, while reading the format as written by vboxmanage works fine.