Comment 12 for bug 671163

Revision history for this message
Steven Wagner (stevenwagner) wrote : Re: win2k3 guest has blank screen and high cpu on first boot

The version of windows I am using is, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 with SP2 Enterprise Edition.
The kvm command I tested was:
    kvm -drive file=/mnt/slices/newtuna.qcow2,if=virtio,index=0,boot=on -m 1G -vnc :1
 and that gave me the same result, blank screen, high cpu usage.

I just now tried this...
I took the running line from ps which is:

/usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-0.12 -enable-kvm -m 1024 -smp 1 -name newtuna -uuid 21a3c860-05b0-5dcf-cc8c-9243604f8e9b -chardev socket,id=monitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/newtuna.monitor,server,nowait -monitor chardev:monitor -localtime -boot c -drive file=/mnt/slices/newtuna.qcow2,if=virtio,index=0,boot=on,format=qcow2 -drive file=/mnt/isos/win2003/CRMEVOL_EN.ISO,if=ide,media=cdrom,index=2,format=raw -drive file=/mnt/isos/virtio-win-1.1.11-0.iso,if=ide,media=cdrom,index=3,format=raw -drive file=/mnt/isos/viostor-31-03-2010-floppy.img,if=floppy,index=0,format=raw -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:68:23:96,vlan=0,model=virtio,name=virtio.0 -net tap,fd=58,vlan=0,name=tap.0 -chardev pty,id=serial0 -serial chardev:serial0 -parallel none -usb -usbdevice tablet -vnc -vga cirrus

and trimmed it down to

sudo /usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-0.12 -enable-kvm -m 1024 -smp 1 -name newtuna -boot c -drive file=/mnt/slices/newtuna.qcow2,if=virtio,index=0,boot=on,format=qcow2 -vnc -monitor stdio -vga cirrus

This command ran, and I was able to connect with vncviewer. All I got was a blank screen, but I did not get any high cpu usage for the thread on the server node. Then i figured out that monitor starts in paused status, so I did c for continue, and verified the status was running. vnc continued to show blank screen, and thread showed high cpu use.

then I tried your next suggestion...
    qemu-img create win1.img 20G
    kvm -hda win1.img -cdrom win2003*.iso -m 1G -boot d

my actual line was:
    sudo kvm -hda win1.img -cdrom win2k3.iso -m 1G -boot d
and the returned the error "Could not initialize SDL - exiting"
next I did
    sudo kvm -hda win1.img -cdrom win2k3.iso -m 1G -boot d -vga cirrus
still got the same error.

so next I tried:
     sudo /usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-0.12 -enable-kvm -m 1G -hda win1.img -cdrom win2k3.iso -vnc :10 -monitor stdio -vga cirrus
this worked, I was able to connect with vnc and go through the win2k3 installer. The installer goes through text mode, then reboots at which point i have to reestablish the vnc connection, then goes into GUI install mode, setup admin and pass, then finally finishing installation. And worked, windows came up okay. So now that I know that works... how to figure out why it doesnt work when I was trying to install the way I usually do with libvirt.