Comment 10 for bug 1006655

Revision history for this message
Thiago Martins (martinx) wrote :

I have tried, many times, to use qemu-img to create StreamOptimized for VMWare ESXi 6.0 OVAs.

It does NOT work.

After days of research, I replaced qemu-img, by vboxmanage, then, it worked!

Now, I'm using something this:

vboxmanage convertfromraw packer/output-vm.raw packer/output-vm-disk1.vmdk --format vmdk --variant Stream

I also had to edit the headers, with dd:

dd if=output-vm-disk1.vmdk of=output-vm-disk1.descriptor bs=1 skip=512 count=1024
sed -i -e 's/ide/lsilogic/g' output-vm-disk1.descriptor
dd conv=notrunc,nocreat if=output-vm-disk1.descriptor of=output-disk1.vmdk bs=1 seek=512 count=1024

This is the only way to build StreamOptimized VMDKs, for inclusion inside of OVA, that works on VMWare 6.0.

The qemu-img can not be used.

Here is my full solution to this problem (if the same problem):

I'm just not entirely sure if we're talking about the same problem here...
