Comment 15 for bug 840306

Revision history for this message
Brett Keller (blkeller) wrote :

This fix has been packaged for precise, but not for oneiric. The oneiric repositories still have qapt and muon 1.2.1, which still leaves a fresh Kubuntu 11.10 installation ready to break upon the first round of updates via Muon Updater.

Since this breaks basic package management functionality for the average stable release user who is just doing what the OS is prompting him/her to do, I would like to request a minimum version upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3 in the oneiric repositories, please.

I have tested a fresh Kubuntu 11.10 installation on a spare laptop, and updating muon and qapt to 1.2.3 from Jonathan Thomas' QApt PPA before running the first round of regular updates fixed this bug for me. Without the PPA upgrade to 1.2.3, the first Full Update right after installation will attempt to install/upgrade 356 packages and get hung up at 49% during "Committing Changes".

Steps to reproduce restoration of expected update behavior:
1. Perform a fresh installation of Kubuntu 11.10 -- my tests were run on the i386 version
2. During installation, do not check the "Install updates" option
3. After installer completes, reboot, login, and ignore notification from Muon Updater
4. Open Muon Package Manager
5. Verify software version in "About Muon Package Manager" = 1.2.1
6. Configure Software Sources -> Other Software -> Add... "ppa:echidnaman/qapt"
7. Close and re-open Muon Package Manager -- this seems to be necessary to force the Filters list to recognize the newly added PPA even though "Check For Updates" has been performed (separate bug, maybe?)
8. Under "Filter:" choose "By Origin" and select "QApt PPA"
9. Select all packages in this filtered list that have the status "Upgradeable" and mark them for upgrade -- for me, this included 10 packages
10. Apply changes
11. Close and re-open Muon Package Manager
12. Verify software version in "About Muon Package Manager" = 1.2.3
13. Check For Updates, Full Upgrade, Apply Changes

These steps resulted in the same 356 packages as before getting installed/upgraded, except the update procedure completed to 100% without any hang ups. I have yet to notice any negative impact from installing version 1.2.3 of muon & qapt, only the positive impact of the bugfix.
