Comment 0 for bug 1792143

Revision history for this message
Matthias Klose (doko) wrote :

18.04 LTS includes python3.6 3.6.5, this is about updating this Python version to the next 3.6.6 minor release as used in cosmic. The plan is to update to the next 3.6.7 release as well, once this is released and available in cosmic.

There is regression potential, however with a test rebuild of the main portion of the archive no regressions were found.

As a test, a complete archive rebuild (main only) was performed, and no regressions were found with this new package. The archive rebuild also contained updated versions of gcc-7, gcc-8, binutils and python3.7, which should not interfer with python3.6.

Summary of the test rebuilds:

The latter includes the updated packages from the ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa PPA