Comment 106 for bug 1290847

Revision history for this message
Barry Warsaw (barry) wrote : Re: [Bug 1290847] Re: pyvenv fails due to mising ensurepip module

On Oct 16, 2015, at 03:17 PM, Harry P wrote:

>I'm now testing Ubuntu 15.10, which seems *even more* broken, since it
>seems to have a mixed mode of Python3.4 and 3.5. there's no
>python3.4-pip package, which means there is essentially no way of
>getting a working pip for python 3.4.

Tools like pip, which depend on a specific Python version are fundamentally
flawed on *nix. There's healthy debate in many upstream forums about this
issue. Basically, nobody likes distributing things like pip3.4 and pip3.5,

If you install python3-pip you will get a pip3 but even that isn't great.
While having a command like `pip3` or `pip3.4` might seem like a useful
convenience, really the best way to invoke pip for a specific Python version
is to use `python3.4 -m pip` or `python3.5 -m pip`. This goes for a small
handful of other packages like nose (with scripts like `nose2-3.4` being the
worst offenders! better to use `pythonX.Y -m nose2`).

We're looking at ways of making this better and more consistent across all
Linux distributions.