Comment 38 for bug 457688

Revision history for this message
Václav Šmilauer (eudoxos) wrote :

Guy, I have to contradict your observation.

I just tried in karmic chroot with the package, adding karmic-proposed to sources.list I upgraded via apt-get

  Get:2 karmic-proposed/main libboost-python1.38.0 1.38.0-6ubuntu6.1 [246kB]

and then

 root@flux:/etc/apt# python
 Python 2.6.4rc2 (r264rc2:75497, Oct 20 2009, 02:54:09)
 [GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> from visual import *

works flawlessly.

Are you sure you really had the package installed? (sorry for such a stupid question, but I see no other possible cause)