Comment 0 for bug 1500768

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Didier Roche-Tolomelli (didrocks) wrote :

Sicne the upgade to python 3.4.3 on trusty, I'm getting this error when using a squid proxy:,type=large/testReport/tests.large.test_android/AndroidSDKTests/test_default_android_sdk_install/

The code is using python-requests, with verify=True for ssl connection (default). Some tests are testing that invalid certificates are rejected:

Rerunning the same code with previous trusty package (3.4.0~trusty1) doesn't show up this issue. It seems that SNI is broken for the trusty version of python3-requests with 3.4.3. (See the FAQ with "What are “hostname doesn’t match” errors?" and the stackoverflow question.

I did run a test, grabbing requests 2.7 and backporting it to trusty (I needed to as well to take python3-urllib3 willy version).

So, 3.4.3 has an incompatible change for existing projects and people with proxys are starting to see some breakage like in

Can we get it fix somehow, reverting the incompatible change breaking SNI (I wonder if this is "Changed in version 3.4.3: This class now performs all the necessary certificate and hostname checks by default. To revert to the previous, unverified, behavior ssl._create_unverified_context() can be passed to the context parameter." in or something else) so that existing code can either get a new compatible python-requests or avoid incompatible changes in python 3.4.3?