Comment 25 for bug 348704

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Michael Vogt (mvo) wrote :

@Scott: Yes, that is probably a good idea (needs to be tested, the whole unpack/configure cycle is crucial for the problem to appear or not.

I think it really only affects python-qt4 because it carries data in /var/lib/python-support/python-$ver. This dir is for all (most [1]) other packages automatically managed (created/removed) by python-support. But pyqt4 uses pycentral so some compatibility love is required. This all is still far from ideal, if I run:
# update-python-modules --force-rebuild-all
the symlink is gone afterwards. python-support takes this dir as its territory. Aolution is probably to write the right kind of file tto /usr/share/python-support/ to ensure it auto-creates the symlinks on rebuild, but I don't have enough inside in pysupport for a offhand solution. The real prolbem IMO is that a) python-central/python-support behave differently b) the python symlink famring that is not as robust as plain dpkg


[1] apt-file does not show other than python-qt4-dbus and -dbg