Comment 4 for bug 1535101

Revision history for this message
Thomas Ward (teward) wrote :


Thanks for the message, but note I also made this an Invalid bug - i.e. it is not being pursued any longer.

I would like to point out, however, that the 14.04 users likely have to either use a PPA, or pull directly from the Git repository, which means they have the capacity to get continued updates; this does not apply for Xenial if it is directly available in the repository. My longer term concern is the five-year support period - if you release 0.5.x and that has breaking changes of which render 0.4.0 unusable, there would need to be an SRU review prior to getting any 'fixable' release in, and it's entirely possible that it may or may not be included.

Given that there may be the potential for that, whether you're in stable beta or not, is the basis for this request - if Beta software is accepted and forced to have five years of support, and people use this three years from now and it's not working, it's a case of the software being 'poor' and there will then be unfixable bugs and such. That was the basis of the initial request. (You would also have to make reverse-compatibility changes on the LE side - that is, if mechanisms in 0.4.0 are retired, you would potentially still have to support them).