Comment 5 for bug 194097

Revision history for this message
pranith (bobby-prani) wrote :

This is not working... :(

bobby@ubuntu:~$ export https_proxy=""
bobby@ubuntu:~$ bugnumbers -p python-launchpad-bugs
/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/launchpadbugs/ FutureWarning: text_bug API not stable yet
  warnings.warn("text_bug API not stable yet", FutureWarning)
/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/launchpadbugs/ FutureWarning: text_buglist API not stable yet, LP returns a list of all bugs ever reported
  warnings.warn("text_buglist API not stable yet, LP returns a list of all bugs ever reported", FutureWarning)
Maybe package 'python-launchpad-bugs' does not exist in Ubuntu.
Error while parsing '': "'Unknown error while loading'".

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