Comment 15 for bug 335543

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Till Kamppeter (till-kamppeter) wrote :

IRC discussion with mvo and DktrKranz:

<tkamppeter> Any Python expert here? It is about bugs like bug 335543, a Python app does not find a certain Python library (saying "ImportError in <module>()") but the library is installed. Reinstalling the library helps. This does not only happen to Jockey but also to hal_lpadmin, the system-config-printer tray applet, ... What is the problem here?
<ubottu> Launchpad bug 335543 in jockey "jockey-gtk crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,New]
<DktrKranz> tkamppeter: it's probably not transitioned for Python 2.6, a rebuild could fix it.
<DktrKranz> tkamppeter: I mean x-kit
<tkamppeter> DktrKranz: In the mentioned case a reinstall of the existing library package even helps (no rebuild of the package). Can it be that the postinstall scripts of all Python libraries need to get re-run after Python 2.6 installation? This should be automated in the update process.
<seb128> mvo is looking to similar issues
<mvo> tkamppeter: it looks like bug(s) in python-central
<mvo> tkamppeter: seb128 has a similar issue with bzrtools