Comment 3 for bug 1815439

Revision history for this message
Dimitri John Ledkov (xnox) wrote :


import boto
import gcs_oauth2_boto_plugin
boto.storage_uri('', 'gs').get_all_buckets()

Fails with:

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/boto/connection.pyc in _mexe(self, request, sender, override_num_retries, retry_handler)
   1028 raise BotoServerError(response.status, response.reason, body)
   1029 elif ex:
-> 1030 raise ex
   1031 else:
   1032 msg = 'Please report this exception as a Boto Issue!'

SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:727

and takes a long time to timeout / possibly it retries many times.

$ dpkg-query -W python-boto
python-boto 2.44.0-1ubuntu2


$ dpkg-query -W python-boto
python-boto 2.44.0-1ubuntu2.18.10.0

the call now succeeds very quickly.

In [6]: boto.storage_uri('ubuntu-foundations', 'gs').get_all_buckets(headers=header_values)
[<Bucket: >,
 <Bucket: >,
 <Bucket: >,
 <Bucket: >]