Comment 11 for bug 1748572

Revision history for this message
Seth Arnold (seth-arnold) wrote :

I reviewed pycryptodome version 3.4.7-1 as checked into bionic. This is
not a full security audit, but rather a quick gauge of maintainability. I
especially did not investigate if the implementations are properly
constant-timed, free from leaks, implemented correctly, or suitable for

One CVE against pycryptodome:
Currently unfixed in our packaging. This flaw is shared with python-crypto
which is currently also unfixed. (While we rated it 'Medium', 'Low' might
also be appropriate.)

The fix wasn't exactly quick but the author and interested community
members had a professional discussion of the issue.

- pycryptodome is python-crypto brought back to life
- Build-Depends: dh-python, python-setuptools, python3-setuptools,
  python-all-dev, python3-all-dev, debhelper, python3-sphinx,
- Does not daemonize
- pre/post inst/rm scripts are automatically generated
- No systemd unit files
- No DBus services
- No setuid files
- No binaries in PATH
- No sudo fragments
- No udev rules
- Large test suite run during the build, not inspected closely
- No cronjobs
- dpkg emits some warnings:
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python:Provides}
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python:Versions}
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python3-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python3:Provides}
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python3-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python3:Versions}
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python:Provides}
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python:Versions}
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python3-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python3:Provides}
  dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package python3-pycryptodome: unused substitution variable ${python3:Versions}

- No subprocesses spawned
- Memory management looked careful
- No file IO
- No environment variables
- No privileged functions
- Extensive cryptography
- No networking
- No privileged portions of code
- No temporary files
- No WebKit
- No Javascript
- No policykit
- clean cppcheck

The code has extensive references in the comments throughout, errors are
checked, there's a lot of tests.

Security team ACK for promoting pycryptodome to main.
